Our technical service crew is trained and certified!
Rest assured that our crew is trained to perform console cleaning & preventative maintenance as well as our other services in an active 911 dispatch communications center.
Our team of professional technicians are trained to work specifically in 24 hour, critical, environments. They have knowledge of how to work around the technology as well as the people. If a major emergency situation takes place, we will shut down and back away until the situation is resolved. If we need to reschedule the service due to a severe issue, we will.
Every member of our crew is:
Background Checked
Trained to work in 24/7 Critical Environments
Trained on console desks
Understand the fragility of the technology within console desks
All of our employees are CJIS trained & certified.
Console Desk Certifications
We have experience with and can perform service on ALL major console manufacturers.
We have the added advantage of being CERTIFIED to perform work on the industries leading console manufacturers;
Russ Bassett, Watson & Xybix consoles.
How does this help you? Not utilizing a company who is certified to perform work on your console desks can void your lifetime warranty.
Our partnerships with these companies allow us to contact them directly or assist you in getting in contact with the correct person to get parts and pieces need for repair or replacement.
Don't see your manufacturer listed? Reach out to us for additional information. We may be in the process of getting or have an alternate agreement with your manufacturer to ensure we do not void any warranties you have in place. We can also work with you to modify our service to meet any specific requirements.
YOUR Certifications
We can provide requested information on the crew members who will be servicing your center to meet your individual requirements.